
CSIRT Services

A Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) is a capability set up for the purpose of assisting in responding to computer security-related incidents

Your company may already have an in-house CSIRT team and process. IntrusionOps' CSIRT service is designed to compliment this service by offering additional technical resources or address skill or availability gaps. We learn and integrate into your existing process. Clients opt to send incidents for us to fully manage according to their playbooks, using a company-assigned e-mail address so that we’re fully integrated with their team. During incidents, we can meet with other departments, stakeholders, legal, clients, and leadership with or on behalf of the CSIRT team.

Use IntrusionOps' CSIRT service to introduce a CSIRT capability to your company, or to rapidly add technical muscle to your existing team.

Read more about the forensic services available via a retainer here.