
DFIR Retainers

DFIR retainers provide your company with a service level agreement, pre-negotiated rates, and make a skilled DFIR team rapidly available to respond to any incidents that may arise. Customers can use this service rather than having an in-house DFIR team, or to augment existing in-house DFIR capabilities.

IntrusionOps reviews your incident playbooks, or works with you to develop playbooks, and establish an agreed upon process for responding to incidents. Once the procedures are established, we’ll rehearse them with you and make any necessary adjustments so when an incident does arise, everything goes as smoothly as possible. We believe playbooks should be tactical, in short bullet point format, rather than dozens of pages of Word documents. When crisis hits it should be immediately clear what action to take including technical procedures, communications, and escalations.

DFIR services are available for all types of incidents including breaches, data leaks, insider threat, and HR matters.

Should you eventually decide to bring DFIR in-house, we’ll share our knowledge and techniques with you and have helped clients with the interview process.

Read more about the forensic services available via a retainer here.